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 Engine performance characteristics?

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Frits Overmars
Scott Young
6 participants
Scott Young

Scott Young

Nombre de messages : 5
Localisation : Maine, USA
Date d'inscription : 27/04/2017

Engine performance characteristics? Empty
MessageSujet: Engine performance characteristics?   Engine performance characteristics? Icon_minitimeSam 18 Aoû 2018 - 9:56

I am using a 82 x 76mm single for drag racing purposes
How would the engine perform / or act like if all the transfer port vertical walls were re-angled / focused to direct their charge at a single focal point.
I would like to focus all angles at the half way point between the intake port and the center of the bore.
In this case approx 20mm in front of the rear wall
Would this be a total flop performance wise?
Thanks in advance
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Frits Overmars

Frits Overmars

Nombre de messages : 2616
Age : 75
Localisation : Raalte, Holland
Date d'inscription : 12/10/2010

Engine performance characteristics? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Engine performance characteristics?   Engine performance characteristics? Icon_minitimeDim 19 Aoû 2018 - 21:03

Scott Young a écrit:
Hello, I am using a 82 x 76mm single for drag racing purposes. How would the engine perform / or act like if all the transfer port vertical walls were re-angled / focused to direct their charge at a single focal point. I would like to focus all angles at the half way point between the intake port and the center of the bore. In this case approx 20mm in front of the rear wall. Would this be a total flop performance wise?
Thanks in advance
That ought to work Scott. Here are two guideline pictures for the scavenging layout that look more or less like what you have in mind.

Darn! I still cannot attach any pictures here. I keep getting this message:
"Le fichier envoyé n'est pas valide: la taille du fichier joint dépasse la limite autorisée (0 ko)."

Has anybody got a solution?
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Nombre de messages : 2213
Localisation : *
Date d'inscription : 26/09/2010

Engine performance characteristics? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Engine performance characteristics?   Engine performance characteristics? Icon_minitimeDim 19 Aoû 2018 - 22:53

Have you used the "joindre un fichier" function or the "insérer une image" one ?
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Frits Overmars

Frits Overmars

Nombre de messages : 2616
Age : 75
Localisation : Raalte, Holland
Date d'inscription : 12/10/2010

Engine performance characteristics? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Engine performance characteristics?   Engine performance characteristics? Icon_minitimeLun 20 Aoû 2018 - 1:36

MANETON a écrit:
Have you used the "joindre un fichier" function or the "insérer une image" one ?
I tried to use "Héberger une image" like I have always done.
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Nombre de messages : 2205
Age : 67
Localisation : Ruoms 07 Ardèche
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2013

Engine performance characteristics? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Engine performance characteristics?   Engine performance characteristics? Icon_minitimeLun 20 Aoû 2018 - 1:47

Frits, is your picture too big ?
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Nombre de messages : 25
Age : 67
Localisation : Centurion, South Africa
Date d'inscription : 14/09/2012

Engine performance characteristics? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Engine performance characteristics?   Engine performance characteristics? Icon_minitimeLun 20 Aoû 2018 - 3:15

This is what the FAQ has to answer:

Images can indeed be shown in your posts. However, there is no facility at present for uploading images directly to this board. Therefore you must link to an image stored on a publicly accessible web server, e.g. [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] You cannot link to pictures stored on your own PC (unless it is a publicly accessible server) nor to images stored behind authentication mechanisms such as Hotmail or Yahoo mailboxes, password-protected sites, etc. To display the image use either the BBCode [img] tag or appropriate HTML (if allowed).
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Nombre de messages : 2213
Localisation : *
Date d'inscription : 26/09/2010

Engine performance characteristics? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Engine performance characteristics?   Engine performance characteristics? Icon_minitimeLun 20 Aoû 2018 - 7:34

Frits Overmars a écrit:

I tried to use "Héberger une image" like I have always done.

Have you tried to upload your pictures directly on (email and password are the same as on pit-lane)?
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Frits Overmars

Frits Overmars

Nombre de messages : 2616
Age : 75
Localisation : Raalte, Holland
Date d'inscription : 12/10/2010

Engine performance characteristics? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Engine performance characteristics?   Engine performance characteristics? Icon_minitimeLun 20 Aoû 2018 - 23:35

MANETON a écrit:
Frits Overmars a écrit:
I tried to use "Héberger une image" like I have always done.
Have you tried to upload your pictures directly on (email and password are the same as on pit-lane)?
Vannik a écrit:
This is what the FAQ has to answer:
Images can indeed be shown in your posts. However, there is no facility at present for uploading images directly to this board.
Thanks Neels. So if I understand correctly, there has been a deterioration in uploading options.
Pity; I prefer not to upload material to places that I do not thoroughly know and trust.
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Scott Young

Scott Young

Nombre de messages : 5
Localisation : Maine, USA
Date d'inscription : 27/04/2017

Engine performance characteristics? Empty
MessageSujet: Hi Frits   Engine performance characteristics? Icon_minitimeLun 20 Aoû 2018 - 23:51

Frits Overmars a écrit:
Scott Young a écrit:
Hello, I am using a 82 x 76mm single for drag racing purposes. How would the engine perform / or act like if all the transfer port vertical walls were re-angled / focused to direct their charge at a single focal point. I would like to focus all angles at the half way point between the intake port and the center of the bore. In this case approx 20mm in front of the rear wall. Would this be a total flop performance wise?
Thanks in advance
That ought to work Scott. Here are two guideline pictures for the scavenging layout that look more or less like what you have in mind.

Darn! I still cannot attach any pictures here. I keep getting this message:
"Le fichier envoyé n'est pas valide: la taille du fichier joint dépasse la limite autorisée (0 ko)."

Has anybody got a solution?
Hi Frits, I’m not sure how to private message you here on this forum as I do not speak French.
If I can get you my E mail, would you mind sending those 2 pictures to me?
Or if it’s easier I can post my E mail here (If the rules here allow it)
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Nombre de messages : 2213
Localisation : *
Date d'inscription : 26/09/2010

Engine performance characteristics? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Engine performance characteristics?   Engine performance characteristics? Icon_minitimeMar 21 Aoû 2018 - 0:03

Frits Overmars a écrit:
So if I understand correctly, there has been a deterioration in uploading options.

It seems not (Or only on your account).
Note that is the pit-lane's pictures host, so, if you connect you will find the equivalent to the pop-up window of pitlane's pictures uploading function...
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Frits Overmars

Frits Overmars

Nombre de messages : 2616
Age : 75
Localisation : Raalte, Holland
Date d'inscription : 12/10/2010

Engine performance characteristics? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Engine performance characteristics?   Engine performance characteristics? Icon_minitimeMar 21 Aoû 2018 - 21:56

Scott Young a écrit:
Hi Frits, I’m not sure how to private message you here on this forum as I do not speak French. If I can get you my E mail, would you mind sending those 2 pictures to me? Or if it’s easier I can post my E mail here (If the rules here allow it) Thanks
Don't worry about French, Scott; it would not make a difference because only webmasters and moderators can reach me via private messages, otherwise I would not have a spare minute left. So you'll also understand that I'd rather keep my email address to myself.
I already posted those pictures here some time ago, I just wanted to save you the trouble of searching for them, which is always a hell of a job; I myself couldn't tell you exactly where to look for them either.

MANETON a écrit:
Frits Overmars a écrit:
So if I understand correctly, there has been a deterioration in uploading options.
It seems not (Or only on your account). Note that is the pit-lane's pictures host, so, if you connect you will find the equivalent to the pop-up window of pitlane's pictures uploading function...
Thanks Maneton, I'll give it a try.
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Scott Young

Scott Young

Nombre de messages : 5
Localisation : Maine, USA
Date d'inscription : 27/04/2017

Engine performance characteristics? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Engine performance characteristics?   Engine performance characteristics? Icon_minitimeMer 22 Aoû 2018 - 1:43

Frits Overmars a écrit:
Scott Young a écrit:
Hi Frits, I’m not sure how to private message you here on this forum as I do not speak French. If I can get you my E mail, would you mind sending those 2 pictures to me? Or if it’s easier I can post my E mail here (If the rules here allow it) Thanks
Don't worry about French, Scott; it would not make a difference because only webmasters and moderators can reach me via private messages, otherwise I would not have a spare minute left. So you'll also understand that I'd rather keep my email address to myself.
I already posted those pictures here some time ago, I just wanted to save you the trouble of searching for them, which is always a hell of a job; I myself couldn't tell you exactly where to look for them either.

MANETON a écrit:
Frits Overmars a écrit:
So if I understand correctly, there has been a deterioration in uploading options.
It seems not (Or only on your account). Note that is the pit-lane's pictures host, so, if you connect you will find the equivalent to the pop-up window of pitlane's pictures uploading function...
Thanks Maneton, I'll give it a try.
No problem, thank you for the help. I will see if I can find them
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Scott Young

Scott Young

Nombre de messages : 5
Localisation : Maine, USA
Date d'inscription : 27/04/2017

Engine performance characteristics? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Engine performance characteristics?   Engine performance characteristics? Icon_minitimeMer 22 Aoû 2018 - 10:47

Frits Overmars a écrit:
Scott Young a écrit:
Hi Frits, I’m not sure how to private message you here on this forum as I do not speak French. If I can get you my E mail, would you mind sending those 2 pictures to me? Or if it’s easier I can post my E mail here (If the rules here allow it) Thanks
Don't worry about French, Scott; it would not make a difference because only webmasters and moderators can reach me via private messages, otherwise I would not have a spare minute left. So you'll also understand that I'd rather keep my email address to myself.
I already posted those pictures here some time ago, I just wanted to save you the trouble of searching for them, which is always a hell of a job; I myself couldn't tell you exactly where to look for them either.

MANETON a écrit:
Frits Overmars a écrit:
So if I understand correctly, there has been a deterioration in uploading options.
It seems not (Or only on your account). Note that is the pit-lane's pictures host, so, if you connect you will find the equivalent to the pop-up window of pitlane's pictures uploading function...
Thanks Maneton, I'll give it a try.
I think I may have found the picture you are talking about. (Picture in the Aprilla 125 post)
Looking at the picture of the bottom of the cylinder itself, ( transfer tunnels ) it appears the aux transfer tunnel
appears to be larger than the mains.
Is this done to have more “bulk” flow or is it simply to slow down the velocity in aux tunnel vs the mains?
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Frits Overmars

Frits Overmars

Nombre de messages : 2616
Age : 75
Localisation : Raalte, Holland
Date d'inscription : 12/10/2010

Engine performance characteristics? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Engine performance characteristics?   Engine performance characteristics? Icon_minitimeMer 22 Aoû 2018 - 23:19

Scott Young a écrit:
I think I may have found the picture you are talking about. (Picture in the Aprilla 125 post)
Looking at the picture of the bottom of the cylinder itself, ( transfer tunnels ) it appears the aux transfer tunnel
appears to be larger than the mains. Is this done to have more “bulk” flow or is it simply to slow down the velocity in aux tunnel vs the mains?
I have 561 pictures in my Pit-Lane folder and even more in my Aprilia folder, so it's impossible for me to know which picture you are referring to. But you'll find extensive answers to your scavenging questions in a file called Pisa.PDF. It includes the pictures I mentioned the other day.
One more thing: Pit-Lane members interested in two-strokes tend to focus on
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
I'd rather keep two-stroke-related posts together in one thread, so if would be good if you could post your questions there, Scott. Thanks.
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Nombre de messages : 3904
Age : 17
Localisation : Tours
Date d'inscription : 01/01/2010

Engine performance characteristics? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Engine performance characteristics?   Engine performance characteristics? Icon_minitimeMer 22 Aoû 2018 - 23:44

Frits, you must definitely hire a secretary. I can handle auditions, tests and more if you want ?

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Scott Young

Scott Young

Nombre de messages : 5
Localisation : Maine, USA
Date d'inscription : 27/04/2017

Engine performance characteristics? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Engine performance characteristics?   Engine performance characteristics? Icon_minitimeMer 22 Aoû 2018 - 23:58

Frits Overmars a écrit:
Scott Young a écrit:
I think I may have found the picture you are talking about. (Picture in the Aprilla 125 post)
Looking at the picture of the bottom of the cylinder itself, ( transfer tunnels ) it appears the aux transfer tunnel
appears to be larger than the mains. Is this done to have more “bulk” flow or is it simply to slow down the velocity in aux tunnel vs the mains?
I have 561 pictures in my Pit-Lane folder and even more in my Aprilia folder, so it's impossible for me to know which picture you are referring to. But you'll find extensive answers to your scavenging questions in a file called Pisa.PDF. It includes the pictures I mentioned the other day.
One more thing: Pit-Lane members interested in two-strokes tend to focus on
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
I'd rather keep two-stroke-related posts together in one thread, so if would be good if you could post your questions there, Scott. Thanks.
The picture I was referring to is on page 33 of part 3 on the all you wanted to know about the Aprilla 125 post (on which I have learned a huge amount of info)
I will check out the pdf you are talking about. Thank you for taking the time to point me in the right direction. I appreciate it so much.
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Frits Overmars

Frits Overmars

Nombre de messages : 2616
Age : 75
Localisation : Raalte, Holland
Date d'inscription : 12/10/2010

Engine performance characteristics? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Engine performance characteristics?   Engine performance characteristics? Icon_minitimeJeu 23 Aoû 2018 - 6:04

Scott Young a écrit:
The picture I was referring to is on page 33 of part 3 on the all you wanted to know about the Aprilla 125 post
Yep, that's the one.
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